The Crimson Mask - 2018 End Of Year Awards
2018 is almost over, and with 2019 almost upon us - its time to talk about the best parts of 2018. So here are my awards for who has really shone over the last 365 days.
The Crimson Mask Best Event Of The Year 2018
NXT: War Games
Best Event Of The Year
This one, for me is a no brainer. Takeover:War Games was start to finish, a masterclass on how to run a show. Each match had a whole lot of history building up to it. And 3 of the 5 matches are contenders for Match Of The Year. And lets face it - we ALL popped for that double moonsault off the cage from Ricochet.
The Crimson Mask Best Face Of The Year 2018
Aleister Black
Best Face Of 2018
Aleister Black plays the face role perfectly at NXT, rising through the ranks to become NXT champion, and even though his reign played second fiddle to the incredible Ciampa/Gargano saga - he has been a massive draw everywhere he goes.
The Crimson Mask Best Heel Of The Year 2018
Tommaso Ciampa
Best Heel Of 2018
Tomasso Ciampa did this year, what no other heel has done in a VERY long time. He got legitimate heat - and boy did he play it well. There was a period this year where Tomasso was hated like a heel from the 80s, he wasn’t getting a single cheer. People LOVED to boo him. And a part of that is definitely to do with how well Gargano played the babyface role, for sure. But even post-Gargano feud, Ciampa has remained an incredible bad guy.
The Crimson Mask Most Improved Of The Year 2018
Shayna Baszler
Most Improved of 2018
At the start of this year, I looked at Shayna as a bit of a generic MMA type character. She didn’t do much for me as far as putting on a great match. I didn’t think she was BAD per say, she just didn’t resonate with. But it was during the beginning of her feud with Kairi Sayne that she REALLY got into the swing of her character. She was kicking ass and taking names - and it was a hoot to watch. She became a legit bad ass in the ring, and for me is absolutely MUST SEE.
The Crimson Mask Promotion Of The Year 2018
Promotion Of The Year
NXT have continued to bring in Indie megastars, grow their own talent, and keep feuds going that make total sense. The talent, booking, production and overall feel of the show is second to none. Every Takeover has been fantastic, and they only keep getting better.
The Crimson Mask One To Watch 2019
Switchblade Jay White
One to Watch 2019
I met Jay White earlier this year at a NJPW show, while all the other wrestlers were wearing their merch. Jay was wearing a full three piece suit. He put in the effort with the meet and greets to talk to each person and ask their name and where they had come from. And when he came out for his match - he had IT. What I am trying to say is, even though Switchblade is in the upper midcard/main event scene - I think he is still pretty underrated. Given the right matches and moments, this year could be AMAZING for him. And if the rumours of AE Wrestling are true, there could be a very nice slot for him as the main gaijin of NJPW.
The Crimson Mask Feud Of The Year 2018
Johnny Gargano vs Tommaso Ciampa
Best Feud Of 2018
Probably one of the best storylines in modern wrestling. They went from reluctant team, to brothers, to mortal enemies and thanks to Ciampas injury, it lasted nearly two years and I don’t see it being done with any time soon. This feud will be attached to them forever, etched in history as a HUGE success.
The Crimson Mask Tag Team Of The Year 2018
Young Bucks
Tag Team Of The Year 2018
Now, The Young Bucks HAVE had a great year in wrestling. They became heavyweights, won the Tag Titles, had incredible matches with Golden Lovers. But, the main reason why The Young Bucks are my team of the year is because of what they have done OUTSIDE of the ring. They have pushed social media and their brand to levels never before seen in wrestling. They (along with Cody) had their All In ppv which was a huge success. And the next year is looking VERY promising for the Jackson brothers.
The Crimson Mask Male Wrestler Of The Year 2018
Kenny Omega
Male Wrestler Of The Year 2018
Kenny started off this year as the hottest thing in pro-wrestling. He had a big money match with Chris Jericho, my MOTY with Okada, his match with Pentagon at All In was a show stealer. His showing in the G1 was outstanding and he has been having some of the best tag team matches in the world with Ibushi. Kenny has transitioned from the hottest “Have you seen Kenny Omega?? He is amazing!” guy to “Kenny is on this card, so at least there will be one amazing match”. I am very interested in what the next year will hold for Kenny. Has he done it all in NJPW? We will have to wait and see.
The Crimson Mask 2018 Female Wrestler Of The Year
Becky Lynch
Female Wrestler Of The Year 2018
Best female wrestler of the year goes to The Man. Becky had a wonderful year, gaining support constantly from the fans - right up until Evolution where she had an INSANE match with Charlotte. Becky Lynch is currently the most over wrestler on the planet, and I am REALLY hoping that she main events Wrestlemania next year, because it would be the first main event in years that I am fully invested in.
And that’s it! The 2018 year end awards are definitely very NXT heavy this year because I really believe they have had their best year yet. I would love to hear your thoughts on the list, and your own picks for best of the year! Make sure to follow @TCMWrestling on Twitter.