AEW Rumours - Who is Staying and who is Leaving? PART ONE

It’s been an exhilarating couple of months in the world of wrestling. But the most exciting item has been the birth of All Elite Wrestling. Some of the brightest and most forward thinking brains in wrestling, teaming with a billionaire to create something new and exciting within the world of wrestling.

With their promises of exciting booking, equal pay, and working with some of the best minds in the industry. TV Deals on the horizon and being a fantastic alternative to WWE. The rumour mill has been swirling with who will be jumping ship to leave WWE for AEW.

For the most part, a lot of the rumours seem to be dirt-sheets throwing names around just for shock value. So today I want to talk about those rumours and take a look at which ones are believable and which ones are maybe not so true. So first off we have:


Zack Ryder


Zack Ryder

Zack had been wrestling for a year when the WWE signed him to a developmental deal. He has spent nearly 15 years at the company, with his highest point being during the Ryder Revolution of 2011 where he took to his own YouTube channel to overcome his underutilisation in the WWE. He became one of the most over guys in the company and earned a match at WrestleMania as well as a US title. After that phased out, the next big moment for Zack was winning the IC title at WrestleMania (to lose it the next day).

When Zack was soaring to new heights with his YouTube show; there was constant talk of how management didn’t like it. Its safe to say that Zack hasn’t been treated anywhere near as well as he should have been treated.

Does this constitute Zack leaving WWE to try something new at AEW?

Like The Elite; Zack knows how to get over with his character (especially through YouTube). So this is a talent they will definitely recognise in each other. And maybe Zacks booking frustration has lead him to the point where he wants to try something new. He is also great friends with Cody.

But a counter point; Zacks girlfriend Chelsea Green has signed to WWE Developmental, and Zack currently has a VERY fun show on WWE YouTube channel called Figure It Out. I definitely think out of the rumours, Zack is more so leaning towards one I would believe.

VERDICT: Possibly jumping ship



Finn Balor


Finn Balor

While in NJPW as Prince Devitt - Finn worked with The Young Bucks and for some time was THE unsigned talent on the indies. Finn looked to be getting a MONSTER push on Raw after his fantastic time in NXT. But it got sidelined by an injury and he then became a smiling mid carder doing nothing of note for a year. Finn Balor has what it takes to be one of the very best in the world, but I think he is a very loyal dude who wants to be the best in the world while at WWE. I also think there was definitely some truth to the rumours of him being unhappy, due to him getting a main event match with Brock Lesnar at the upcoming Royal Rumble. Maybe Finn is getting that big push again, which will make him happy enough to stay. I would LOVE to see Finn go against some of the guys AEW already have on their roster (Finn vs Kenny, vs Hangman, vs PAC, vs Jericho)! But I feel he is a WWE guy now, and with the right push and character tweaks he really could be the megastar he deserves to be.

VERDICT: Staying in WWE (as long as he is treated as a star)


Gallows & Anderson


 Gallows and Anderson

After coming over from NJPW 3 years ago, they have not had the amount of exposure any fans were really expecting. They tick all the boxes to be one of the leading teams in the company, but have gone months without even being on TV. Personally, I think they will stay at WWE because they seem to be happy there from what I have seen on Social Media. But if they did make the move, they could not just be a massive part of the AEW tag division, but also singles stars there too.

VERDICT: Staying in WWE (unfortunately)



Sami Zayn


Sami Zayn

If you follow the podcast scene, you will know that since Sami had time off due to injury - he has been thinking a LOT about his career and how he wants to make changes. Sami, in my eyes is one of the best baby faces WWE have had in the last decade (I did enjoy his heel run with Owens, but to me he is a brilliant face). He sells a lot of merch, always gets a pop, and can consistently put great matches on with anyone he gets in the ring with. If Sami really wanted to make a change to his career, moving to AEW and having some real classic matches with the current best wrestlers in the world would be a perfect move for him. So I would definitely not rule this one out.

VERDICT: Small chance he will jump ship.



The Revival


The Revival

This one seems to be written in stone. They have had great social media back-and-fore with The Young Bucks for over a year, and have also stated they will wrestle Matt and Nick this year. With rumours already stating they have handed in their notice - this could be the important stone that starts the rock slide of talent jumping ship. And I am sure we can all admit these guys haven’t had the best time on the main roster. They are arguably the best tag team in the world right now, and deserve to be putting on classic matches with their peers.




Kevin Owens


Kevin Owens

Kevin has not only teamed with The Young Bucks in the past, but also had a guest spot on Being The Elite. But personally, I think he is happy where he is. According to sources, he is very loved backstage by management including HHH and Vince McMahon, as well as him having a young family that he doesn’t need to make monetary risks for. I think Kevin Owens is safe in WWE for some time.

VERDICT: Staying put

So that’s it for the first part of this look at the rumours. Part two will be up very soon. Please let me know if you agree or disagree with any of these - or have any more input. And make sure you are following @TCMWrestling on Twitter so you don’t miss Part Two!


AEW Rumours - Who is Staying and Who is Leaving? PART TWO


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