Mental Energy: Kicking The Habit
After listening to a recent episode of the Heavy Mental podcast, they spoke briefly about the effects of Energy Drinks on Mental Health. Specifically how the chemicals, caffeine, E-Numbers and huge levels of Sugar can make your anxiety fly through the roof. If you know me, or have ever even met me - I probably had an energy drink in my hand. So the question I have been asking myself lately is - “Am I making my mental health worse?”
My History with Energy Drinks
I have probably drank at least one can of energy drink every day for the last 15(?) years. There were definitely points in those years where I absolutely relied on them to get through my day; and without one I would get colossal headaches and pretty much be unable to move. I am not a doctor, nor am I an expert on Addiction - but I would definitely say there have been times where I would call myself a caffeine addict. I started drinking energy drinks when I was around 15 years old. It was a social thing. When my buddy and I were playing Rainbow Six on the PS3, we would take a sip of red bull for every time we killed an opponent or did something cool. It was a reward and was always an integral part of our enjoyment of the day.
Over the years, I have just drank them out of a mix of habit and necessity. Habit being a key word there. I’ve noticed that whenever I walk into a shop, the energy drink section is the first place I head to. Its very rare that I leave a shop without getting one “just in case” I need one and don’t have one at home (very well knowing I will be chugging it at 9pm to give me a boost to get a bit more out of my night).
In more recent years, due to having two young boys in the house - I have relied on them more and more as a replacement for sleep and giving me the boost to have a bit more energy with the kids. I also use the drinks as a crutch for focussing my concentration when writing or working. I’ve even halfway through a can of Rockstar Blue Raspberry as I type this.
Mental Health wise, I get anxious when I don’t have one in the fridge and when I am having a period of depression I use them to get rid of that cloudiness in my brain for a couple of hours.
But what if my so-called solution is actually the cause? I am aware that abusing caffeine and sugar for such a long period of time has had an impact on my physical health (its not something I have ever really been worried about, its just part of the course) but I am starting to realise how much of an impact it has on my Mental Health.
There was a rare instance last week, where I went two days without having my fix of caffeine in a can. It wasn’t on purpose. Life was just a very busy and I completely forgot to have one, but here’s the thing - I wasn’t anxious or depressed for that period, and more importantly my concentration was actually pretty great!
So what do I do now?
Well, I would love to break that addiction. To not rely on energy drinks to fuel my happiness and concentration. But at the same time - I enjoy them. I enjoy the taste and the buzz, and I don’t know if that is something I WANT to give up (but that could just be the addiction talking.)
So I am thinking a serious reduction in caffeine. I’m thinking lots of tea, water and maybe the occasional soft drink to replace that addictive fizz. I am also on the fence about Caffeine tablets when needed to - as I believe the key here is kicking that habit of “walk into shop, buy energy drink, drink it asap and repeat”.
I have no idea how this will go, but let’s give it a go hey? I will post updates on here and keep checking my Instagram for even more of them precious updates.