5 Reasons Why Sara Davies Is The Best Mum In The World
It's Mother's Day! I am lucky enough to have an amazing mother, incredible grandmothers and a fantastic mother in law. But today I want to talk about Rory and Aces mum. My wife. Sara. So these are just 5 (of many) reasons why Sara Davies is the BEST Mum in the world…
Sara has been breastfeeding Rory since he was born. Thats nearly 32 months! That's nearly 1000 days!! She also feeds Ace. So that is every day for 1000 days, she has one or two babies biting and grabbing and climbing all over her - but she's continues to do it because it's best for the baby. What a mega star.
Even when I'm at my lowest, she will support and be there for me. Even if it means having both kids while I get my head together. She pushes for me to follow my dreams and continually gives me support and feedback on what I'm doing and helps build my confidence. I'd be lost without her. She's a huge reason why im the dad I want to be.
She is brilliant at making sure the kids learn and enjoy every moment of the day. Whether it be Rory's swimming or Ace in baby massage. She's always on the lookout for new adventures and memories for the whole family. The kids are living their best life because of her.
Sara is brilliant at making games and setting up play experiences. Either on the tough spot or just around the house. For example, one day you'll have Rory improving his Hand Eye coordination by threading stuff into the Colander, another day we are making Play-Doh dinosaurs, or even baking cakes! Rorys imagination is his best asset, and that's down to Sara and the time and effort she puts into the kids.
Sara has Borderline Personality Disorder. Which means her moods can swing drastically as she struggles to deal with her emotions. It's very hard to cope with on a daily basis. But she is always aware of this, and even though BPD is well known as making it difficult to keep relationships with people, these kids and myself absolutely adore her. When she's having a bad time, she will take time out to get back on the level - and then bounce straight back into being the wonderful and loving mum that we all know. She's a super hero.