Heads Above The Waves - Spotlight


In 2019 we held some events around Swansea and raised quite a bit for the Mental Health Foundation, so for the next couple of months we will have a donation box for Cardiff based not-for-profit organisation Heads Above The Waves at our events.

Who are Heads Above The Waves?

Heads Above The Waves (HATW) are a Cardiff based not-for-profit organisation run by the amazing Si and Hannah.

What is the goal of HATW?

They are dedicated to raising awareness of Depression and Self Harm in young people. They promote the importance of self care and talking openly and honestly about Mental Health which are values we push strongly here also at Lionminded.


What do they do?

They take on their goals through many different avenues:

Social Media - Their Instagram is full of positivity and important Mental Health information.

Positive Merch - They create the most incredible clothing and accessories aimed towards young people and they all push positive messages. You can buy their Merch With A Message either through their Web Store or in the wonderful HATW store in the Castle Emporium, Cardiff.

Workshops - They also run these amazing workshops for young people to overcome self-harm urges and teaching self care in schools. You can find more about their workshops here

Where can we find them?

Physically in the Castle Emporium on Womanby Street, Cardiff. Virtually you can find all you need at hatw.co.uk

Can I donate without coming to an event?

Of Course! As much as I would love to see you all at our Mental Health Mornings, its not always possible. You can head over to here for their donation page, and if you are looking to do some fund raising yourself - HATW are making a real difference and can always with extra donations!


Parenting with an Eating Disorder - Lionminded Survey


2020 Update!